Female Dominance. Female Supremacy. Female Leadership. Female-Led Relationship. Female Power.
Whatever its label, it means different things to different people in different dynamics, so, as with everything in this World, it is not a clear-cut, easily defined situation.
Although some may disagree and that is their prerogative.
The further I dive, the further My views evolve. However, for now, and for the foreseeable, I see FemDom as the lynchpin of all humankind. You may be reading this and laugh, disagree, or wholeheartedly agree. You may not be sure. It’s a personal thing.
For Me, looking at the World from a woman’s point of view, She has always been the influencer, the guidance, the mother, and the nurturer. Humankind cannot exist without Women. She gives life. From the moment we are born, She cares for us until we are old enough to fend for ourselves. When we meet someone we wish to spend our lives with, the cycle continues. In My own experience of “vanilla” lives, it is nearly always the woman who organises, who keeps things ticking along, who remembers special occasions….even songwriters wrote about how “behind every great man is a great woman”. She is the moral compass, the spiritual compass, the maternal compass, the Matriarch.
This is not a debate, purely My view as it stands presently. I believe that women should lead the World. FemDom is the basal layer. How many times have you found yourself in that situation… Asking your wife/mother/girlfriend, “What’s for dinner?” or “What do you want to do tonight?” or other such benign questions. My response is always... ”you know where the fridge is.” or “Please make a decision instead of leaving it to Me.”
Of course, this is born of personal experience, but I do know that many a female friend has said the same. It seems churlish to mention, but going back to our roots is where I see this pattern emerge. Men always need that nurturing guidance to show them on the right path.
And so to Dominance.
power and influence over others:
Is there really any more that needs to be said? To hold power and influence over you, to demonstrate how to be the best version of you. By submitting to this notion, you submit to the power of Women. Your mind is free, and all fear, pain and anguish disappear as you can finally let go of the societal robes that weigh you down. You instinctively know She will look after you, will guide you, will free your mind so you can just “be”. And you are thankful, grateful for the Peace it brings. You would do absolutely anything for Her because it is how it should be.

And so to the annual celebration of FemDom, the FemDom Ball, kindly organised by The Nubian Matriarch (Madame Caramel), a formidable force of nature who works tirelessly to promote the FemDom mindset and help others to achieve it.
It is held at a secret location in London where ladies of all persuasions celebrate all that is female dominance and power. You can read more at femdomball.com
I am attending this year with a slave who will ensure that I enjoy Myself to the fullest. It is a high protocol event and, therefore, somewhat quite nerve-wracking for her. However, I have every confidence she will be on her very best sissy behaviour in her very best sissy attire. Whilst I do not expect high protocol at all times in My presence during a session, I DO expect the following;
A good attitude to servitude
Smells clean (breath and body)
Strives to fulfil any/each task given to the best of their ability.
Good manners/politeness/no bratty behaviour. I cannot and will not tolerate a bratty attitude
Accepts with grace any punishment given/tasks to perform, even if not a favourite thing. Your sole purpose is to please Me in whatever way I see fit.
Of course, we are not all “slaves”; sometimes, we are “kinksters” or “fetishists” or “submissives”. All of these terms are acceptable to Me, and I can identify with them all and cater for them.
Questions? Or why not make a booking